Fish and Seafood

Baked Cod with Tomato and Basil

Baked Cod with Tomato and Basil

Ingredients: cod filletsolive oillemon juicegarlic powdertomatobasilsaltpepper
Baked Cod with Creamy Sauce

Baked Cod with Creamy Sauce

Ingredients: cod filletsonionevaporated milkgarlic powderthymedillwhite wineall-purpose floursaltpepper
Seared Sea Scallops with Sauce

Seared Sea Scallops with Sauce

Ingredients: sea scallopsrapeseed oilbread crumbsorange zestparsleyavocado oil mayonnaisemustardgarlicred wine vinegarorange juicethyme sprigsparsley sprigsjalapeno pepperolive oilsaltpepper
Easy Baked Salmon

Easy Baked Salmon

Ingredients: salmon filletsgarlicolive oillemon juiceparsleydried basilsaltpepper
Dressed Herring (Herring Under Fur Coat)

Dressed Herring (Herring Under Fur Coat)

Ingredients: salt herring filletspotatoesbeetcarrotonioneggsavocado oil mayonnaise
Baked Salmon With Creamy Sauce

Baked Salmon With Creamy Sauce

Ingredients: salmonlemon juiceolive oilbutterwhole milkall-purpose flourdried dill weedall purpose seasoningsaltpepper
Easy Sardine Salad (Mimosa Salad)

Easy Sardine Salad (Mimosa Salad)

Ingredients: eggsonioncheesefishbutteravocado oil mayonnaise
Salmon Julienne

Salmon Julienne

Ingredients: salmononioncheeseheavy creamall-purpose flourbutterparsleysaltpepper

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